3D… I’m wondering whether this new way of viewing digital media and entertainment can become an additional medium. Well I took a lot of all of the future potential and best functioning concept out there. I will admit that at first I was turned off by the idea because you had to wear glasses to view the content in 3D format, but more updated systems have been released where the glasses are no longer required. Read more…

There is a very large and unsafe gap developed among the governing powers on how to look at and understand the realities of the economic stress and how to react to it. Many strong debates and arguments are talking place to settle on decisions that will benefit multiple parties. The biggest dividing interest among them is the investment time frames. Read more…

With a joke of a report; What is up with all this grade levels given by institutions that have no fundamental understanding of companies that they analyze, such as Microsoft and just the overall tech industry? Read more…

Playing cards were found in China as early as the 9th century during the Tang Dynasty (618–907), when relatives of a princess played a “leaf game”.[1][2][3] The Tang writer Su E (obtained a jinshi degree in 885) stated that Princess Tongchang (?–870), daughter of Emperor Yizong of Tang (r. 860–874), played the leaf game with members of the Wei clan to pass the time.[4] Read more…

One thing that currently defines the smart-phones best is the ability to download applications, making the OS best suited to your lifestyle needs and demands. How can we take this feature and take it a step further to help us search and develop opportunities to grow? Read more…

Way things are for most people going out should be a productive social event. There is nothing wrong with indulgence but why not make it count with style. Don’t go out a lone, go out with a good party, or to one. Socializing is one of the best ways to get ahead; you can meet people, talk, and get an idea of what people are up to, good or bad. Read more…

Coming out of the BETA from my site I would like to talk about my subtitle, Lifestyle Business. What does that mean to you? For me it’s all about doing what you love, or at-least like. But I feel that the idea of doing what you like is very misunderstood from my point of view. And it does not mean that you have to be self-employed do it. Read more…

I recently posted a reply to an Yahoo! Finance post asking the public forums if “With rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, can working hard ever really pay off for all?” So I posted… Read more…

Lets take a look at several industries and what has been happening in them with a certain perspective. I would like to use just a general outlook from my point of view, starting with the technology sector; It has never been more competitive, there are more companies in each field of the tech competing than ever before. One of the best ways to recognize this is to look at how many new system platforms are available to choose from in all types of products and services. Read more…

Business cards are still a very important tool to have for expansion, awareness and social networking. Good business card can get you a notice, but a great business card can set you up. Read more…

What works for someone else may not work for you; or can it!?

When considering what to do next, we often look around to what people are doing. We look at our friends, working peers, and often enough popular successful people and stories. These are not the wrong way to start, the best way to get started is to see what is going on and get up to date on things are much as possible. Read more…

Stock market, real-estate, education and skills; Are and all should be a part of your reinvestment plan strategy. Markets are more diverse than ever and require wider array of understanding of things than ever before. This does not mean that you have to become Jack of All Trades, it’s still recommended and important to stick to one thing that works for you best and what you do well. But, if you ever truly think about retiring with how the financial environments have evolved, you may want to properly re-assess positions. Read more…

Being a huge fan of the original 1987 release of Wall Street, I went into the theatre expecting the original rush the film gave sense of being part of Wall Street. All of the elements that were part of the original; rush, risk, big money numbers, moral and ethical dilemmas and more! Were all there in the Money Never Sleeps, but not in the sense or style the original told the story in. Read more…

Is deflation a problem? Yes, it is. But will that happen? No, it wont.

Lets take a step back and realize what is happening! Dollar is still the world reserve currency, and considering the current state of the credit market all over the world; the Dollar will remain as the reserve currency for sometime to come with the way we are going position ourselves for and in the future. Read more…

We are facing a deflation problem even though we are printing money left and right because… for example every $5 we spent other countries burn $25, and so called financial institutions are now realizing that… to little too late!? And that is why Germany basically pulled out of Greece for example! Euro is fundamentally based of off their currency and they also prosper with the strongest economy in the Euro, plus domestically; but we cant do that. Our investments are much more varied/diverse and different. We still come out on top at the end. My money is on us, we are just too smart and have too much manipulative assets around the world.

To put in two words of what the future of entertainment is looking like it would sound something like this; shock and awe. If you have been following the E3 [Electronic Entertainment Expo] at all this week it should be no surprise to you to know and accept that entertainment is evolved into providing us the experience and interaction only possible in films just not to long ago. Read more…

Career DevelopmentAs the years go by, focusing your performance on your resume can begin to look tricky. So, it is important to keep concentration on certain aspects through your experience as your background time gets built. Read more…


Right now there is a big opportunity to invest by following what is happening in the auto industry and its effects. Since the millennium the top worlds auto producing countries [USA, Japan have exported %30-50 of auto production to China, with exception of Germany], this making China the #1 auto producer in the world. Read more…

For this generation and all the next, organization of complex tasks is going to be shifted to a whole new dimension, amount of things to track, real-time and on-demand data with communication; is all going to be possible by mobile technology specified to our daily activities and long term goals. Read more…

la nouvelle decennie a demarre avec des changements profonds.Quelques soient les differentes manieres d interpreter ces changements pour nos vies, nous devons apprendre, accepter et comprendre.Pour commencer cette decennie est la premiere du nouveau millenaire; cette generation doit faire face a la multitude de conflits lies au changements necessaires.La productivite a toujours ete facile a apprendre mais douloureuse a incorporer dans les taches journalieres.Nous comprenons que les tenets de la productivite sont ignores et perdus dans l ivresse des technologies mal appliquees. Read more…