Coming out of the BETA from my site I would like to talk about my subtitle, Lifestyle Business. What does that mean to you? For me it’s all about doing what you love, or at-least like. But I feel that the idea of doing what you like is very misunderstood from my point of view. And it does not mean that you have to be self-employed do it.

What determines if you love or like what you do? Money, low working hours, location, people, etc.? It could be one, a combination or all generally. But liking what you do in my opinion are more that those things; it’s about progression, fundamental and background compatibility, and the ability to integrate your work and life together with minimal or no complications because today that’s what it takes to get it all done. One I would also add to mention people and relationships but, I will discuss that in a separate post.

Today competition, information and job requirements are larger than ever. If you are not independently prepared,capable of handling and understanding your job far and beyond what is required, it’s hard to move at a positive high angle. BUT!, there are a lot of people who are already like that but the situation is reverse where the job they hold don’t allow them express themselves and give a better effective performance; that is when a person is ‘over qualified’.

In the United States the term “overqualified” has been found by the courts to sometimes be used as a “code word for too old”. Job applicants should address potential concerns such as salary requirements in a cover letter and interview before the employer makes any comments about overqualification. Applicants who are described as being overqualified to emphasize their willingness to mentor younger co-workers, and to focus on what attracts them about the position they are applying to rather than emphasizing their ambition or desire to be challenged. Being overqualified can be an asset for employers, especially when the breadth of your experience enables you to take on additional responsibilities in ways that benefit the employer.

Often enough when an employee is overqualified, it is the result of the company being too old in terms of business model and under qualified management system and teams. Ergo, when looking for employment it is important to hold your ground firm and make sure that you get employed at position where are suppose to. That way you will like what you do, be motivated and progress timely.

So make sure that all of your tools are ready, background qualifications are properly displayed and smile!

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