I recently posted a reply to an Yahoo! Finance post asking the public forums if “With rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, can working hard ever really pay off for all?” So I posted…

“I don’t really think that rich are making poor poorer, and vise-versa. I’m not rich but I can say that living in American has given me opportunities to go after my dreams. Now no one knocked on my door and said can I help you. My family and I stuck together and tried to build a life here. One of the most important thing I got here was education both from the street and the schools. I believe that having knowledge is the only difference making the poor poorer and rich richer! And sometimes you have to get off your toosh; I find it that a lot people are so lazy to do work and make sacrifices here and there to make it to the next level. We must innovate and or improve what we do, always!”

I would like to expand my response, I believe that people need to open their minds! We must accept what is around us now and adapt to the situation to make things better for us by cutting back on working and to start pushing on working smart! There are too many people out there that lack the basic knowledge of the society and how and what is required now a days to properly get ahead without having steam come out of your ears.

One of the best thing that people can do in this country is save money, but your saved money is worthless if you don’t know how to spend it. People must have a plan and must know how to execute that plan, there is almost no excuse on now know something anymore today. There is too much information available at little or no cost. There are a million ways to make something work, that does not mean as they say choose one. NO! you can choose more than one, choose many and work on them. Today long term plans need many short term changes, it’s like flying a military aircraft; there are so many changes going on in the machine as you fly forward to your destination. This helps create balance and a steady way of moving forward ensuring that all obstacles are met with adaptation and crossed to continue.

Ideas are what we have which we don’t loose, in these times it has never been easier to make things work and put your thoughts to the test; Just to start pondering every you will notice things a bit different and you can evolved you thoughts from there as you experiences start to play a bigger role in what things you do and want to do.

Get out there, start ideas and make thing happen for you. You don’t need to change the world for you, you cant! You can do something for the world and the world will treat you back!


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