If you were to get stuck on an island what would be the 3 things that you would want to have with you? Well, for me, it’s a Rambo knife, iPhone and maybe a fridge full sushi and beer! or is that 4our? Anyways… So we get MINECRAFT where this idea is brought to digital life.

Still in alpha development stage, the game takes you inside the best idea of what a sandbox open-world game-play should be. You get started off in a randomly generated world of trees, hills, mountains, rock and water and what not with a little full of life inhabitants from piglets to bow and arrow shooting skeletons O_o. Weather does vary, I think. considering that this is still in just alpha development there are so many things which are yet to be complete, changed, added and further developed.

The game environments are build out of 8bit era 3D blocks of rock, mud and water, etc. With these blocks, which you will break at will and craft out tons of progressive combination’s of elements that are used build your world only limited by your imagination and TIME!

I don’t know what category of games this really belongs to because I feel that it’s so unique in which way the things work and are styled to play. I feel that this game belongs in a category of it’s own, because it is like its self in how it is, where many elements are crafted together which create a separate element all together and so forth.

When playing this game there is this bizarre feeling of things, but at the same time it work really well and feels right. I guess it’s because you are able to literally take the entire level apart and make it into anything that you would sought it to be, from entire full scale buildings, theme parks, cities and giant scale models of popular sci-fi spacecraft models. A video on the right MEDIA demos some of these things.

Design and visual style for this game is probably laughable when you first get a glimpse of the game, but the style properly suits this it. And it’s more than makes for it in several ways. Just by observing the shear scale of the games levels and the ability to think and build anything you want is just jaw-dropping awesome and nothing short of awesome sense effort and accomplishment. And the innovation of this game is just off the charts.

Already a hit commercial success, meaning it’s not free, though you may thinks so the way the game looks first appears to be. So it’s not expensive at all and you can even play free versions of the game. Currently it’s available at a discount price for a pre-release alpha version and the once the full game is out you’ll get a free upgrade. And once you play and really get a sense of what this game is about you’ll know that it’s worth every penny!

While you can completely play this game alone. The idea here is to build and show off your worlds in vast community of players, both on and offline. You can now join custom servers where players are looking for helpers to assist in their ideas and worlds, or you can just combine an army of players and build something out of this world. Creations here also are so massive and time consuming that some of the things I’ve seen online look impossible. But when we work with our minds more so many things are infinitely possible. So get plugged in the join the epic revolution.

I would personally love to see a live blog a community of player get together, form a huge project and blog the entire process of it’s creation. It would draw an amazing amount of attention and community support!

Here is a video an use creating ‘Working 16-bit computer built inside Minecraft’… After watching and exploring further details about the game and it’s community, the developer and so forth. I have found that. The game comes with further attainable tools that you can use to edit the levels with unlimited instant supply of element blocks and free mode views to create everything. This game has a very steep learning curve in the beginning and there is a lot of time and research required to get the elements fitted onto your design ideas.

Ergo this is a community based cumulative effort and  you must add yourself to the information and experience put out-there to, whom are by now veteran users. There is MINEPEDIA which is a great way to get started into this world.

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