There are many debates in the current market about which direction Apple should pursue in order to maintain its sales revenues. It’s clear right now that Apple has chosen general public consumer for it’s products and all  user base; and that has become very clear why, and why they may not want and need to move on to other industries to build sales.

As a company when you design and sell products/services like Apple does, you must follow a strict code of rules and conduct. On this behalf, in the beginning many supporting companies/developers complained and failed to understand the reasoning behind this system of operations.

As a company this size the most important operation company must focus on is protecting and serving its consumers, everything else comes second. Apple has accomplished this with certain first few things. Amazing product design and quality control, strict system development guidelines for developers to maintain product quality, support and company image. And Apple may be tough, but follow their game-plan and they will support you to the end and leave you very happy!

Now, the company has shot up to establishing its self as the second largest company in the world by market capital and arguably the most important computer and electronics company. So their system has proven its self, and moreover it has made everyone happy.

How Apple has protected it’s consumers is an amazing leap of accomplishment on its own. Top satisfactory all across all of its product lines, top of the line sales/support service, amazing OS/UI and software/application quality and variety. And an amazingly satisfied supporting companies and developers. And above all consumer confidence in their product/services, through their market leadership.

Not to say that… there have and are companies with an amazing array of products with great quality and support. But Apple took it to a new level; by doing exactly the opposite of what major companies of its caliber normally do; which is to not force the markets but to win the markets.

Apple cant implement this business model in the corporate industry, because they require honestly a whip! And they should not because it will effect their company image and respected business model. But who know, look at what they have done far!

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