Mobile communications industry in rocketing into the sky! And taking everything else with it. From advertising to lifestyle choices, mobile platforms have changed the way things work. So what is the next step and where will the next leap be to?

I believe that the next step will be a leap, because as large as this market and it’s going to grow; it lacks enough diversification because of the competitive imbalance that exists. But I believe that all the future depends on the bandwidth speeds we are able to access from all of our devices. And come the importance of 4G!

Increased bandwidth means more information can be access and faster, also providing the commercial market bigger and better opportunities because companies can and will produce more complex application and services. So what are some things right now that stand in the way of getting that potential right now! Size does matter. First the dominance/success of the Smartphone market has made all this possible, but the screen size I believe on average of these phones are too small to handle the future potential of the 4G applications. So we get the iPad and PlayBook.

Next step which is already here the iPad and similar products will serve 4G application best and they are slowly evolving because the larger mobile products can serve a larger purpose both at home and on the road. Increased screen size is important to view things in certain comfort of viewing and operating scale.

Although I believe that iPad’s are not the next step up from the notebook computers, they will serve better in practical terms for students, businesses, etc. Chances of people becoming more successful are going to raise on average because of the opporunity and possibilities that new technologies are giving us, so get out there and get connected!

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